Mesopotamia, often called the “birthplace of civilization,” was one of the earliest centers where the development of philosophy, religion, science, and technology helped humanity transition from prehistoric times into the modern era.
Read Moreيأخذنا استكشاف جاذبية المجوهرات والأحجار الكريمة العتيقة في رحلة عبر الزمن، لنستكشف القصص والجمال الموجود داخل هذه الكنوز العتيقة إذ لعبت المجوهرات دوراً مهماً في الحضارات والمجتمع وتاريخه الطويل وتم العثور على العديد من الأحجار الكريمة وقطع المجوهرات الفريدة من نوعها بين كل الحضارات القديمة وفي جميع أنحاء العالم.
Read Moreوتتميز اللهجة العراقية بأنها تحتوي على عدد كبير من المفردات والأساليب التي تميزها عن اللهجات الأخرى، فاللغة المستخدمة في وسائل الإعلام والعمل الرسمي هي أقرب إلى اللغة العربية الفصحى، ولكن اللهجات الشفهية الشائعة بين عامة الناس تختلف باختلاف المناطق ولا توجد لهجة محددة في مناطق العراق فمثلا" لهجة أهل البصرة لا تتشابه مع لهجة باقي مدن الجنوب وهي لهجة بني تميم وأهل ساحل الخليج والتي تمتاز بقلب الجيم إلى ياء.
Read MoreIn Part I of this series, we explored the Iraqi dialect, highlighting some ancient words from Sumerian, Akkadian, and Aramaic. The diverse geography of Iraq influences its dialects, with distinct variations found in the southern, central, and northern regions. This variation reflects the country’s rich tapestry of ethnicities, including significant Christian, Kurdish, and Turkmen communities, contributing to the complexity of the Iraqi colloquial dialect.
Read More“The people of ancient Mesopotamia knew how to appreciate a good beer,” writes Tate Paulette in his book, In the Land of Ninkasi: A History of Beer in Ancient Mesopotamia (Oxford University Press). Paulette, an archaeologist and Associate Professor at North Carolina State University, has conducted extensive fieldwork across several countries, including Syria, Iraq, Egypt, Turkey, Cyprus, Scotland, and the United States. But what exactly led him to write a book on the history of beer in ancient Mesopotamia?
Read MoreThe Iraqi dialect, rich and diverse, embodies a linguistic heritage that stretches back to the early days of Mesopotamian civilization. This dialect, with its unique vocabulary and expressions, reflects centuries of cultural and linguistic evolution. Despite the influence of classical Arabic in official and media contexts, the Iraqi dialect remains a vibrant testament to the country’s historical and social complexity.
Read MorePerhaps the most celebrated tree in the world, the date palm is the eternal daughter of Iraq. It is everywhere, part of life that one can see in almost every picture taken there, old and new. Not only do date palms make beautiful statements in any landscape, but they have also long been honored in religious and cultural traditions.
Read MoreThe black-and-white photo of the students from Blessed Sacrament in Detroit is difficult to distinguish from the Iraqi student photos. In the 1970s in Iraq, education became free and public at all levels, and mandatory for primary school students.
Read Moreسُئل أحد العراقيين القدماء ما هي اثمار بلادكم؟ فأجاب التمر - ثم ماذا عندكم بعده؟ فأجاب التمر أيضا ولما استغرب السائل من هذ الجواب! قال العراقي ألعريق: “ لا شيء هناك يضاهي تناول التمر الطازج ونستفيد من فوائد النخلة العديدة، فأننا نستظل به من وهج الشمس، ونأكل ثمرته، ونعلف ماشيتنا بنواته، ونعلن عن أفراحنا بسعفه، ونتخذ من عصارته عسلاً وخمراً (عرقاً)، ونصنع من جريدة وخوصه الاواني والحصران وغيرها من الاثاث، ونصنع من جذعه خشباً لسقوفنا، وأعمدة لبيوتنا، ووقود الطبخ”.
Read Moreإن نكبات ومأسي ومحن الأزيدين في العراق مازال يلفها الحزن والأسى سيما وأن نفي اليزيدين من مناطقهم والمزارات القديمة لشعبهم يهدد بإضعاف هويتهم كشعب ومكوّن متميز، ولا يسعى الأزيديون في العراق إلى الحفاظ على تقاليدهم فحسب، بل يسعون أيضًا إلى مكافحة المعلومات الخاطئة والقوالب النمطية حول عقيدتهم وهناك تحديات وصعوبات أمام الإزيديين لاستعادة الأمن والاستقرار والأمن المجتمعي في منطقة نينوى/سنجار، سيما وان معظمهم تشتتوا بعيداً عن أراضيهم المقدسة، وانضم العديد منهم إلى جمع اللاجئين إلى أوروبا.
Read MorePart II: The Yazidis (Yezidis) are impoverished cultivators and herdsmen who have a strictly graded religious-political hierarchy and tend to maintain a more closed community than other ethnic or religious groups. The Yazidi homeland in the Sinjar region in northern Iraq remains a war-torn area, and the prospect of economic and political stability in Iraq remains unclear.
Read MoreChaldean weddings are the stuff of legends in metro Detroit. They are “extra,” over-the-top, and everyone wants an invitation. From the Khigga dance lines to the Zaffa playing, Chaldeans know how to party. And don’t even get me started on the food! What many don’t know is those wedding traditions and more traveled here from Iraq with marriages that bridged countries, families, and even communities in a way that is difficult to understand without having experienced it. The first Chaldeans to marry in Detroit invited the whole community to the nuptials. The entire community was family.
Read Moreمن بين سلسلة مقالات مجلة اخبار الكلدان حول محن المكونات الأصيلة والأقليات العرقية والدينية في العراق سبق وأن كتبنا عن أبناء خالتنا الصابئة المندائيين (عدد شهر أكتوبر 2022 ص 38-36)، وسنتناول في هذا العدد مكون عراقي اخر هو ألأزيديون، وبدورنا نأمل أن يلقي هذا المقال الضوء ولمحات على التاريخ العميق لهذا المكون الأصيل وبعض مما يحتاجه القارئ لمعرفة تاريخ وعقيدة ومعيشة ومحنة ومأساة المجتمع الأزيدي في القرن الحادي والعشرين.
Read MoreThe Yazidi (or Yezidi) are a Kurmanji-speaking minority group who are indigenous to northern Iraq, Kurdistan, and a geographical region in Western Asia. This includes parts of Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and Iran. Most Yazidis remaining in the Middle East today live in Iraq, primarily in the governorate of Nineveh and Duhok.
Read MoreThe Yazidi (or Yezidi) are a Kurmanji-speaking minority group who are indigenous to northern Iraq, Kurdistan, and a geographical region in Western Asia. This includes parts of Iraq, Syria, Turkey, and Iran. Most Yazidis remaining in the Middle East today live in Iraq, primarily in the governorate of Nineveh and Duhok.
Read More“في العراق، حتى الوشم له ماضي وحاضر متضاربان” هكذا يبدأ مقال الكاتب أحمد ويندي الصادر عام 2023 بعنوان “وشم جداتنا”، إذ كان لدى كلا جدتيه وشم تقليدي، بينما لم يكن لدى والدته – المولودة في الستينيات – أي وشم، ومن الطبيعي أن هذا دعا الى فضوله وتساؤلاته؟ ويقال إن كلمة “وشم” نشأت من الكلمة التاهيتية “تاتو”، والتي تعني وضع علامة على شيء ما.
Read More“In Iraq, even tattoos have a conflicted past and present.” So starts a 2023 essay by Ahmed Windi titled, “Our Inked Grandmothers.” His two grandmothers had traditional tattoos and his mother – born in the 1960s – did not. So naturally, he had questions
Read MoreWhen Chaldeans first came to Detroit, they struggled to integrate into American society and learn the language. They had their own unique culture, one that was different from that of other Americans and most immigrants. At first, this was a point of pride for Chaldeans. Their faith, family values, tight-knit community, and work ethic ultimately led to success in a foreign land. Chaldeans raised their families in the same traditions that they came from and passed down their culture successfully.
Read MoreWe often hear about “the beloved’s hand is an Al-Khaza’aliyah’s hand,” especially in old classic folklore songs. Why this proverb or song, and what was a specific story behind it or reason for naming it? Why did poets and artists sing it and why did they do so?
Read MoreDating back to ancient Mesopotamia, the Epic of Gilgamesh stands as one of the oldest known works of literature in human history. This epic poem, written on clay tablets in cuneiform script, tells the story of Gilgamesh, the legendary half-god king of Uruk, and his quest for immortality. Through its portrayal of heroic deeds, friendship, and the inevitability of mortality, the Epic of Gilgamesh reflects the concerns and values of society in ancient Mesopotamia.
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