Chaldean News Content Integrity Policy

Updated September 9, 2024 


To uphold the integrity of Chaldean News (CN) archives while balancing the interests of the public, the publication, and individuals featured in our content. This policy outlines our approach to handling requests for content removal or modification and ensures that our actions are transparent, fair, and respectful of historical records.


1. Integrity of Archives:

CN archives are a historical record of our community. We prioritize maintaining the integrity of these archives to preserve the accuracy and continuity of our historical documentation.

2. Requests for Content Removal or Change:

When considering requests to remove or alter content, we will:

   - Evaluate the interests of the public and the publication as well as the individual's interests.

   - Aim to balance an accurate record of previously published materials with respect for privacy.

3. Handling Incorrect or Outdated Information:

If content is discovered to be incorrect or outdated, we will:

   - Publish a correction with a link to the original piece, ensuring that the record is updated without erasing historical content.

   - In cases where substantial updates are needed, we may publish a new piece that updates the record, providing context and clarity.

4. Google Search Results:

CN typically does not handle requests to remove information from Google search results. Individuals may request removal of their names from search results directly through Google. Please note, if the content appears in a non-indexed format (e.g. within a PDF), Google search removal may not be applicable.

5. Exceptions for Harm:

In rare cases where content may pose a risk of harm to individuals (e.g., due to overturned convictions, stalking situations), we will:

   - Require documentation demonstrating the risk of harm.

   - Review the documentation to assess the validity of the claim.

   - Consider content removal only as a last resort, if the risk of harm is substantiated and significant.

6. Final Decisions:

Decisions regarding content removal or alteration will be made transparently and based on the principles outlined above. Our goal is to ensure that any actions taken are justified, balanced, and in the best interests of our community and historical record.

7. Contact Information:

For any inquiries or requests related to this policy, please contact

Policy Review:
This policy will be reviewed periodically to ensure its effectiveness and relevance. Changes to the policy will be communicated as necessary.