Jonathan Elias returns yet again to the Food Network! Host Jeff Mauro leads the merry eight-episode competition series Holiday Wars, where nine teams of elite cake, sugar and cookie artists (including our favorite Pastry Guru) compete in over-the-top confectionary challenges inspired by the season.
Read MoreThe Chaldean Community Foundation hosted its first ever Early Voting site from October 26-November 3 for Sterling Heights and Utica residents. Within the nine days of early voting, the CCF saw 8,050 voters come through its doors. Many first-time voters came through the CCF as well, with great excitement around being able to participate in the voting process.
Read MoreNovember was Family Caregiver Month in the state of Michigan, and a perfect opportunity to shed some insight into the programming offered through the CCF’s Breaking Barriers program. A half-hour program called “Real Possibilities” through AARP Michigan airing on ABC 53 in the mid-Michigan area is recognizing CCF’s C.H.A.I. (Caregiver Helping Aid Initiative) Project.
Read MoreAfter attending six months of learning and connecting with area top leaders, cultivating leadership skills, and developing relationships, the Learn with a Leader program got together for the last time as a cohort. In collaboration with CCF and Wireless Vision, Learn with a Leader graduates were honored November 6 during their program graduation at Shenandoah Country Club.
Read MoreThe CCF’s H.E.A.L. Project participated in a revolutionary driver’s education program catered to those who are hearing-impaired. Thanks to the generous support from AAA The Auto Club Group, the program revolutionized driver education with a cutting-edge driving simulator.
Read MoreDecember invites reflection on the year that has passed and anticipation for the year ahead. It’s a time to appreciate the commitment and creativity that drive us all—whether through the artists and innovators in our communities or those whose devotion to faith, family, and country shapes the world around us.
Read Moreيأخذنا استكشاف جاذبية المجوهرات والأحجار الكريمة العتيقة في رحلة عبر الزمن، لنستكشف القصص والجمال الموجود داخل هذه الكنوز العتيقة إذ لعبت المجوهرات دوراً مهماً في الحضارات والمجتمع وتاريخه الطويل وتم العثور على العديد من الأحجار الكريمة وقطع المجوهرات الفريدة من نوعها بين كل الحضارات القديمة وفي جميع أنحاء العالم.
Read Moreعلى أطلال تل أثري ومحيطه، تقع مدينة تلكيف التي تستمد اسمها من هذا التل. يعود تاريخها إلى قرون عديدة قبل الميلاد، بدليل القطع الأثرية التي وجدها المنقبون في ذلك التل، الذي هو المقبرة الحالية. اسمها في اللغة الكلدانية “تل كيبي”، ويقابلها “تل الحجارة” باللغة العربية. كانت تسمى “شبيتيان.
Read Moreوتتميز اللهجة العراقية بأنها تحتوي على عدد كبير من المفردات والأساليب التي تميزها عن اللهجات الأخرى، فاللغة المستخدمة في وسائل الإعلام والعمل الرسمي هي أقرب إلى اللغة العربية الفصحى، ولكن اللهجات الشفهية الشائعة بين عامة الناس تختلف باختلاف المناطق ولا توجد لهجة محددة في مناطق العراق فمثلا" لهجة أهل البصرة لا تتشابه مع لهجة باقي مدن الجنوب وهي لهجة بني تميم وأهل ساحل الخليج والتي تمتاز بقلب الجيم إلى ياء.
Read MoreCommunity members who have recently passed away.
Read MoreSeventeen-year-old Alex Elia is a shining example of the difference one person can make. For the past three years, the Detroit Country Day senior has buddied up with first-grade students at Bennett Elementary in Detroit to celebrate Valentine’s Day by making cards and playing games.
Read MoreWe are responsible in the search for peace, for dialogue: the international community, the countries of the Middle East are all involved. However, if we ourselves do not know how to personally put an end to this spiral, others must help us find the way to achieve it.
Read MoreThe Chaldean American Chamber of Commerce and the Chaldean Community Foundation are partnering with the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation and Michigan Chamber of Commerce for the second year in a row to host a non-partisan civics competition that encourages young Americans to engage in civics and contribute to their communities.
Read MoreThe CCF congratulated Elias Kattoula on 10 incredible years with the Chaldean Community Foundation on October 3. Elias began his journey with the Foundation in 2014 as a Case Worker and quickly rose to Career Services Manager. Over the years, he has made a lasting impact, earning his Global Career Development Facilitator Accreditation in 2018 and becoming a Certified FAFSA Specialist.
Read MoreThe Chaldean Community Foundation’s Learn with A Leader program’s final session was hosted on October 16 at the Eastern Catholic Re-Evangelization Center (ECRC) in Bloomfield Hills. The session, led by Karam Bahnam, focused on faith and its influence on leadership.
Read MoreHungarian Consul General Dr. Balázs Mártonffy recently visited the CCF to learn more about their programs and advocacy efforts for persecuted Christians throughout the Middle East. He was warmly welcomed by CCF staff, who expressed their appreciation for the Hungary Helps program, which has supported Chaldeans and other Christians in northern Iraq.
Read MorePop Daddy Snacks co-founder Mark Sarafa was recently featured in University of Michigan’s Fall Alum Magazine. The family-run company is doing a booming business, and the article states it is because they know how to pivot.
Read More“America is a nation of immigrants.” Is this an overused cliché or an expression of a monumental experiment in the history of mankind? Which of the two reflects how immigration has been treated by competing parties for power during elections?
Read MoreWhen talking with Diana Alsindy, an aerospace engineer who leads a team of engineers building one of the next rockets to the moon, you can hear her enthusiasm for the subject matter of space. A self-described “expert of the system of fluid systems,” Alsindy literally works in a rocket factory.
Read MoreIf recent polls and elections are a guide—and, really, what else do we have? —the coming presidential election features fairly even splits supporting Vice President Kamala Harris and Former President Donald Trump, with a small group of undecided voters in the middle.
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