Posts in Voices 2
St. Benedict or St. Francis: Who got it right?

In March 2017, “The Benedict Option” by Rod Dreher was published and became a New York bestseller. This book centers on how Christians should live in a culture that is no longer Christian. The subtitle reads “A Strategy for Christians in a Post-Christian Nation,” and in it he calls on American Christians to prepare for the coming “dark age” by embracing an ancient Christian way of life: St. Benedict’s way (hence “The Benedict Option”).

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From Merchants to Entrepreneurs

The YAC kicked off the Spring season with a professional development and networking event held on the evening of Thursday, April 11, at Shenandoah Country Club. The event was moderated by the charming and witty Paul Jonna, a real estate and business attorney and former COO of the Chaldean Community Foundation.

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My Retreat Experience

By Samir Jamil, MD Recently, I attended my first silent retreat sponsored by the Eastern Catholic Re-Evangelization Center (ECRC). From the start, I felt that I did not belong to this crowd of mostly young devotees, especially after I noticed how much more spiritual they were. What I hoped for by attending this retreat was a true self-examination and to inch closer to God the Creator.

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Rewinding Forward

I’ve been with the Chaldean News for going on four years, and the incredible growth I have seen in that time is nothing short of amazing. Chaldean community members are rising in the ranks of law enforcement, being appointed to positions of authority, affecting elections, creating business empires, and then turning around with a hand offered to help those that come after them. It is inspiring and uplifting to witness; I can only imagine the pride felt by those involved.

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