The Unknown Power of the Chaldean American Chamber of Commerce

By Talal Mukhtar

There are many benefits to joining the Chaldean American Chamber of Commerce. There are many situations that may arise when you own a business, are an entrepreneur looking to grow and learn, or are simply a member of the community and may need help and certain connections.

I recently had the pleasure of speaking to someone who owns a gas station in Madison Heights. During our conversation, he raised a concern that he had about a franchise, Sheetz, another gas station and convenience store that was trying to open a location across the street from his station.

Being a station owner myself, I understood his concern and it encouraged me to use my connections to get him some help in trying to block the buildout. What many people don’t realize is that our small businesses help keep jobs for our community, money in our community, and security in our community. When a major brand competitor comes in and tries to take that, it will impact the surrounding areas at large.

I contacted the president of the Chaldean American Chamber of Commerce, and Sharkey Haddad, who is their special projects manager, and shared the concerns of the station owner. Mr. Haddad then took the lead in the matter and was able to set up lunch with himself, me, and the mayor of Madison Heights, where we expressed our concerns to her. She understood the impact of a large franchise coming in and essentially the financial blow it would cause the city and many families in the metropolitan area. She advised us to come to the city council meeting where Sheetz would be proposing the new land development/store.

Afterwards, Mr. Haddad became proactive in the matter and reached out to other gas station owners as well as convenience store owners that would be impacted. He organized a lunch for all to join where he then presented to them the financial (losses) that could occur if they allowed Sheetz to open. The business owners all agreed that they would help in any way possible to prevent the building of this new gas station and would join in attending the city council meeting.

On May 13, 2024, the Madison Heights city council meeting took place and over one hundred community members and business owners attended to show support and to take the time to speak on how this new development would affect the community. Sheetz was also there to present their side. Posters were held up during their proposal to show that the community was not okay with this new development.

After the city council heard both sides, they voted in favor of the community rather than the large corporation and took the side of keeping the money in their city. It was a huge victory, and the comradery was immeasurable.

To watch business competitors come together for a unified cause was heartwarming. We have a strong community and the Chamber proved that its connections and resources in the political circle were successful. If it wasn’t for them, this would not have been possible.

One expressed concern turned into one impactful victory. This is what it all comes down to, a group of like-minded people, working together for the common good.