Rewinding Forward

Sarah KIttle

Dear Readers:

I’ve been with the Chaldean News for going on four years, and the incredible growth I have seen in that time is nothing short of amazing. Chaldean community members are rising in the ranks of law enforcement, being appointed to positions of authority, affecting elections, creating business empires, and then turning around with a hand offered to help those that come after them. It is inspiring and uplifting to witness; I can only imagine the pride felt by those involved.

Looking back through issues spanning two decades, we discover that history really does repeat itself. You’ll find story after story detailing success and generosity, unwavering faith, and deep and abiding love of family.

We are happy to share articles from new writers this month, including May Antone and Alexander Karana, two guest writers who visited Iraq recently and wrote about their experiences. They sent the stories to us so we could share them with the community and maybe change your perspective on the “old country.”

We also feature essays from a couple of Rising Writers Contest honorable mention winners, Sophia Snell and Christine Sharrak. These young voices are so important to the community and its future. We recently had the honor of presenting checks to two of our three first place winners in that contest, Hayley Gappy and Miranda Kattula. Hopefully, you will see their byline on more stories in the future.

The CN had the chance to profile two more prominent community members, New Baltimore Mayor Thomas Semaan, featured in an earlier issue as one of the first Chaldean American mayors, and Dr. Dalia Mammo, Medical Director of Crisis Services at Detroit Wayne Integrated Health Network. These individuals are making a difference, not only for Chaldeans but in the greater community as well.

And we thought it a good time to give you an immigration briefing, in case you or someone you know is applying for or waiting on a visa. The immigration laws seem to always be in flux, so we turned to expert N. Peter Antone for an update.

Since January is a time for reflection and growth, we wanted to highlight some companies that are doing it right, by not only giving back to the community but by making it part of their mission. It’s a real win/win when companies can feel good by doing good, and we think they deserve a shoutout.

Finally, as we celebrate two decades of the paper, Dr. Miri graces us with the history of early Chaldean media pioneers, without whom we might not exist. Kudos to them, and to all of you, too! We wouldn’t be here without you.

Have a blessed and happy New Year,

Sarah Kittle

Editor in Chief