CHAI Program featured in AARP Show
CCF’s Sue Kattula pictured with featured guests on a taping of AARP’s “Real Possibilities” Show.
November was Family Caregiver Month in the state of Michigan, and a perfect opportunity to shed some insight into the programming offered through the CCF’s Breaking Barriers program. A half-hour program called “Real Possibilities” through AARP Michigan airing on ABC 53 in the mid-Michigan area is recognizing CCF’s C.H.A.I. (Caregiver Helping Aid Initiative) Project.
CCF’s C.H.A.I. Project aims to educate and inform caregivers about the importance of lifestyle, nutrition, exercise and health care play through the aging process. As a previous grantee of the AARP Community Challenge Grant, Sue Kattula, Breaking Barriers Program Manager, participated in a recent airing of Real Possibilities, a program focused on empowering older adults to choose how they live as they age.
All episodes are archived, and you can listen to the episode featuring AARP Michigan’s interview with Sue Kattula by visiting