The CCF hosted a New Detroit Multicultural Leadership Series event on Chaldean Americans on August 23. The presentation focused on Chaldean history, faith, race, persecution, and migration to the United States.
Read MoreThe CCF has facilitated a sister city relationship between Sterling Heights, Michigan and Ankawa, Kurdistan, Iraq. These two cities share much in common, including both having a large population of Chaldean residents. The CCF looks forward to soon hosting Ankawa’s Mayor, Ramy Noori Awdish and Sterling Heights Mayor, Michael Taylor for a ceremonial signing.
Read MoreOn July 28, the first ever Chaldean Golf Open concluded as Sam Yono finished up his final putt on the 18th hole and took home the hardware. The tournament was several days long and made a few different eliminations and cuts until the final day, which featured fierce, back-and-forth competition between Yono, Ethan Mukhtar, and Jonathan Kello.
Read MoreSince 1973, the Arab and Chaldean Festival has raged on in the hot Detroit summer. Many Detroiters frequent the two-day event in Hart Plaza. It claims to be the largest Arab and Chaldean festival in North America and to this day remains free for everyone.
Read MoreThe black-and-white photo of the students from Blessed Sacrament in Detroit is difficult to distinguish from the Iraqi student photos. In the 1970s in Iraq, education became free and public at all levels, and mandatory for primary school students.
Read Moreسُئل أحد العراقيين القدماء ما هي اثمار بلادكم؟ فأجاب التمر - ثم ماذا عندكم بعده؟ فأجاب التمر أيضا ولما استغرب السائل من هذ الجواب! قال العراقي ألعريق: “ لا شيء هناك يضاهي تناول التمر الطازج ونستفيد من فوائد النخلة العديدة، فأننا نستظل به من وهج الشمس، ونأكل ثمرته، ونعلف ماشيتنا بنواته، ونعلن عن أفراحنا بسعفه، ونتخذ من عصارته عسلاً وخمراً (عرقاً)، ونصنع من جريدة وخوصه الاواني والحصران وغيرها من الاثاث، ونصنع من جذعه خشباً لسقوفنا، وأعمدة لبيوتنا، ووقود الطبخ”.
Read MoreThe primary elections are over, the national party conventions, a buzzing memory. As many politicians gear up for the tough grind to November’s general election, some are preparing to assume their posts. Two Chaldean township officials emerged from Democratic primaries in areas where Republicans are rarer than unicorns. This means—as in Detroit—the Democratic primary winners are shoo-ins for the general election.
Read MoreAs we stated in the beginning of the year, we are looking back at headlines each month to chronicle what was important to the community as the years passed. The September 2004 cover title, “What Now?” posed a pressing question to its readers in the wake of devastating church bombings in Iraq.
Read MoreOn August 8, the CCF hosted Warren Consolidated Schools for their Back-to-School event. Nearly 300 people attended, with parents and students having the opportunity to meet with WCS staff and learn about the resources WCS offers. Each student also received backpacks filled with school supplies. The event included information regarding athletics, careers, nutrition, and more.
Read MoreOn July 12, 2024, at the Danny Kassab Estate, Sam & Ziad Kassab, along with Senator Matt Dunaskiss, hosted the 7th Annual Salute Our Warriors event. All proceeds support The Fallen and Wounded Soldiers Fund, and festivities included a VIP reception, live auction, helicopter entrance, and parade. Entertainment included Slight Return and a rendition of the Star-Spangled Banner performed by Ted Nugent.
Read MoreExcitement buzzed as the inaugural International Chaldean Convention kicked off, marking a significant milestone for Chaldeans worldwide to come together in faith, community, culture, and traditions. This historic gathering brought together over 700 Chaldeans from various regions including Michigan, Arizona, California, Chicago, Canada, and Australia, and more.
Read Moreاستضافت مؤسسة الجالية الكلدانية في يوم الجمعة 21 حزيران/يونيو 2024، سيادة المطران مار بولص ثابت حبيب يوسف ال مكو مطران ابرشية القوش أثناء زيارته للولايات المتحدة وتواجده في ولاية ميشيغان واغتنمت مجلة (كالديان نيوز - أخبار الكلدان) الفرصة لإجراء لقاء وحوار تناول عدد من الاهتمامات والتحديات التي تثير قلق الجالية في المهجر والمكونات والمواطنين في العراق، سلط فيها المطران الجليل الأضواء على التحديات والفرص التي تواجه الأهالي في منطقة سهل نينوى وناقش سبل دعم
Read Moreإن نكبات ومأسي ومحن الأزيدين في العراق مازال يلفها الحزن والأسى سيما وأن نفي اليزيدين من مناطقهم والمزارات القديمة لشعبهم يهدد بإضعاف هويتهم كشعب ومكوّن متميز، ولا يسعى الأزيديون في العراق إلى الحفاظ على تقاليدهم فحسب، بل يسعون أيضًا إلى مكافحة المعلومات الخاطئة والقوالب النمطية حول عقيدتهم وهناك تحديات وصعوبات أمام الإزيديين لاستعادة الأمن والاستقرار والأمن المجتمعي في منطقة نينوى/سنجار، سيما وان معظمهم تشتتوا بعيداً عن أراضيهم المقدسة، وانضم العديد منهم إلى جمع اللاجئين إلى أوروبا.
Read MoreThe Chaldean Community Foundation hosted His Excellency Bishop Mar Boulos Thabet, Bishop of the Diocese of Alqoush, Friday, June 21, during his visit to the United States. The Chaldean News took the opportunity to have a conversation that addressed several issues and challenges that concern both the diaspora community and our Christian community in Iraq.
Read MoreChaldean Catholic bishops, in a message sent from their synod meeting in the Iraqi capital, Baghdad, have urged their congregations worldwide to show unity and togetherness. In the July 17 message, the bishops encouraged the more than 600,000 members of the Chaldean Catholic Church to remain firm in faith, despite the severe trials they have experienced in recent years.
Read MoreDespite having only been recently established, I attended Camp Chaldean several times during my middle school years. Though my memories are foggy now, I can still recall meeting leaders and fellow campers who have remained prominent in my life. Not only was the sense of community something that stuck with me, but I was also able to explore God’s greatness through nature.
Read MorePart II: The Yazidis (Yezidis) are impoverished cultivators and herdsmen who have a strictly graded religious-political hierarchy and tend to maintain a more closed community than other ethnic or religious groups. The Yazidi homeland in the Sinjar region in northern Iraq remains a war-torn area, and the prospect of economic and political stability in Iraq remains unclear.
Read MoreThe CN’s Michigan Humanities Grant culminated in an 84-page commemorative issue of the Chaldean News. This special booklet includes all material gathered for the grant, including the history of the community both in Iraq and in the U.S., particularly in southeastern Michigan.
Read MoreLike most homegrown local gardeners (and historically, most Detroit Lions fans), by the latter part of the season, I’m already thinking about next year. Should I add raised beds or containers? Should I expand my borders? Put in new plants or move the ones I have around?
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