The Arabic language is considered one of the most elegant, pure forms of language in modern literature. With its rhythm and precision, it is the cornerstone of poetry and expression. What many people don’t know is that, although it is the language of prayer, recitation and poetry throughout the Islamic world, the Arabic language predates Islam.
Read MorePart III The Chaldeans’ journey to Detroit is a story constantly being rewritten as the community grows and evolves. It would be relatively simple to characterize Chaldeans in the early 1900s; their differences from other immigrants left them with few options besides the assembly line, menial labor, or starting their own farmers market stalls and eventually small storefronts.
Read MorePoetry is a form of art much like painting, calligraphy, composing, or playing a musical instrument. Discovering poetry is an adventure to a world of wonder led by intuition and imagination, arriving at a love of words. For those who choose to explore this medium, it is a beautiful personal journey of the mind and soul.
Read MoreFittingly, the first March cover in 2004 (and only the second CN issue ever) was about the community having a voice. Featuring a young Shoki Konja from Chaldean Voice Radio, the article told the story of the radio show that began as “Voice of the Chaldean Youth” and was broadcast from a closet below the stairs of Mother of God Church.
Read Moreألعراق بلد الشعراء والادباء الكبار ومنهم ملك الضاد والشاعر العباسي العراقي الكوفي أبو الطّيب المتنبي مالئ الدنيا وشاغل الناس، ومن سادة لغة الضاد. فالمتنبي هو شاعر العلى والعلياء، ورجل الحكمة ألعظيم والأدب النفيس والوصف ألبليغ وتكاد تكون ابياته معجم لكل الأمثلة والحكم العربية ولم يترك شي للفلاسفة ولا لشعراء العرب والأزمنة شيء يبتزون به عليه، في شعره كلمات قوية وفي صراحته قوة الشخصية ناهيك عن رقي أبيات شعره، عاش رحالا ويا أسفا قتلته حروف شعره وكبرياءه وشجاعته.
Read MoreAs promised, each month this year we will highlight the cover stories of that month over the last two decades. This serves as a timeline of what we thought was worth reporting, and what the community was concerned with at that time. For instance, the first cover of the first issue of the Chaldean News declared Chaldeans “An Ancient People in Modern Times.” The inaugural issue was not just about uniting the community…
Read MoreIraq is not Iraq if we exclude from its collective memory major Christian enlightenment figures such as historians, academics, scientists, doctors, lawyers, writers, journalists, archeologists, artists, and poets.
Read MoreFrom the top, pictured are the weddings of: Vickie George and Badie Atchoo; Dr. Nathima and Dr. Peter Atchoo; and Michael and Andrea Gabbara. Shaw and Mary Hakim are pictured in the oval on the right. If you have archival photos you’d like to submit for consideration, please send them, along with captions, to
Read Moreالعراق بلد التنوع الديني والمذهبي، فيه عاشت أقدم الديانات، وعلى أرضه وجدت مختلف الجماعات الدينية والإثنية والمكونات التي تشكلت وعاشت فيه منذ القدم وعاشت فيه، وبعضها أصيل تعود جذوره لحضارات وادي الرافدين، لكنها سوية شكلت الدولة العراقية الحديثة.
Read MoreTo commemorate the 20th anniversary of publishing the Chaldean News, we take this opportunity to look back and honor the first Chaldean newspapers published in the US. We remember a host of Chaldean Iraqi immigrants who were journalists, writers, poets, and media entrepreneurs, and we celebrate their accomplishments here in America.
Read Moreتزامناً مع ذكرى مرورعشرون عاماً تقريباً على إصدار نشرة اخبار الكلدان (كالديان نيوز)، واستجابة لرغبات جيل من القراء الذين يتابعون المجلة ويرغبون في قراءة صفحات باللغة العربية، تقرر اضافة صفحة أو صفحتين باللغة العربية ضمن اعداد المستقبل، نأمل من خلالها تحفيز القراء والكتاب للتواصل معنا ورفدنا بمقالاتهم وإبداعاتهم الفكرية والقلمية.
Read MoreAs part of our anniversary celebration, each month we will feature cover stories from that month over the past two decades. These articles will serve as a timeline of what we thought were relevant and worthy of the cover through the years.
Read MoreThe traditions, values, interpretations, and actions of Christians change drastically throughout history. As Chaldeans were likely among the religion’s first converts, our community has followed those changes and is still experiencing them today.
Read MoreSeptember 2023 marked a profound pilgrimage for me – a journey back to the cradle of my heritage, the Nineveh Plain in Iraq; particularly to Tel Keppe, the village where my family, the Karana family, has its roots in the Shangu district. This trip was a reconnection with the land that has shaped the identity of our people for generations.
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