Posts tagged Peter Antone
What Sister Cabrini Can Teach Us

Until I watched the movie “Sister Cabrini,” I never thought a story could capture the issues of humanity and immigration so well as to rank among the best movies I have watched in my lifetime. The movie is the true story of a girl, Cabrini, living in the 19th century with poor health, envisioning missionary work to open orphanages, hospitals, and accommodations for the poor world-wide, long before anyone thought of social services.

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Immigration Update

Our Chaldean community has been blessed with opportunities to immigrate to the U.S. since the early 20th century. The first to arrive did so via Ellis Island, like many other immigrants at the time. Later, our community utilized both the family unification provisions of the immigration law, as well as U.S. laws allowing refugees and asylees to relocate here; however, there are other options under our immigration laws available both to individuals who wish to immigrate as well as to Chaldean employers who need employees in this labor-tight market.

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