In a world often marked by division and misunderstanding, Matthew Howard, a seasoned communications professional and executive producer of Common Home TV, is on a mission to amplify the voices of those working for peace and justice.
Read MoreUntil I watched the movie “Sister Cabrini,” I never thought a story could capture the issues of humanity and immigration so well as to rank among the best movies I have watched in my lifetime. The movie is the true story of a girl, Cabrini, living in the 19th century with poor health, envisioning missionary work to open orphanages, hospitals, and accommodations for the poor world-wide, long before anyone thought of social services.
Read MoreAt the young age of four, Omar Jarbo began playing the zurna, following in his father’s footsteps. It’s a woodwind instrument with a double reed, just like an oboe. Different versions of it are widely played in the Middle East, Central Asia, and the Balkans. When Jarbo was only eleven years old, he entertained audiences in Tel Keppe during events, even at weddings that went on for two to three days. “We would travel from store to store, home to home, playing music,” he explained with emotion. “Life there was absolutely beautiful.”
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