Posts tagged 20 Years Chaldean News
Preparing for Success

Over the past two decades, the August cover stories of the Chaldean News have consistently reflected the pulse of our community, serving not just as informative pieces but as historical markers of significant events and personalities. From the earliest issues, where we celebrated local architects and community milestones, to the educational focuses of recent years, each issue has offered readers a window into our evolving society.

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Moving the Needle

“The more things change, the more they stay the same.” This quote attributed to French writer Jean Baptiste Alphonse Karr in 1849 still holds true 175 years later. As we look back on the span of stories gracing the Chaldean News covers in the month of June, many of these topics are still at the forefront of discussion in the community.

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Two Decades of the CN

The Chaldean News emerged as a crucial voice for a burgeoning community of Chaldean Americans in southeast Michigan at a pivotal time in history. Saddam Hussein was just ousted from Iraq and the Iraqi people began to experience democracy for the first time. Thousands had fled the war-torn country, many of them landing on the shores of America, heading for Michigan and the established immigrant community there.

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