Posts tagged 20 Years
Exploring April

Throughout history, April has been a time of rebirth. It is the season you see new green shoots poking out of the ground. As the chill of winter gradually fades away, nature awakens with a vibrant burst of life, heralding the arrival of spring. With each passing day, the world undergoes a miraculous transformation as dormant buds unfurl into delicate blossoms and barren landscapes are blanketed in a tapestry of lush greenery.

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Celebrating 20 Years of the Chaldean News

It is with immense pride and joy that I extend my heartfelt gratitude to you as we celebrate a remarkable milestone — the 20th anniversary of the Chaldean News. Two decades ago, we embarked on a journey to amplify the voices, stories, and achievements of the Chaldean community. Today, as we reflect on this incredible journey, we are filled with gratitude for the unwavering support and encouragement from our readers, contributors, and the community at large.

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