Chaldean News TV and radio station to open next year

By Cal Abbo

For years, the Chaldean Community Foundation and the Chaldean American Chamber of Commerce have been planning one of their biggest projects yet: the grand opening of a new community center on the west side of metro Detroit, located in West Bloomfield near the corner of Walnut Lake and Inkster Roads.

The property will serve as the headquarters of the CACC and will also house other affiliated organizations like the Chaldean Cultural Center, the Chaldean News, Chaldean Voice, the Bishop Ibrahim Library, and more.

Chief among them will be the Chaldean News’ brand-new radio and TV stations. While CN currently produces podcasts and video, it’s hampered by its lack of a true studio and must use portable equipment for all of its multimedia efforts.

Right now, the Chaldean News publishes a few different types of podcasts. Its primary focus is CN Radio, which usually features extended interviews with interesting subjects in the community. The CN is also planning a series on the history of the Chaldean Church, hosted by Father Marcus Shammami, and has recorded a few episodes of its Chaldean Pioneers series that takes the community back to its roots.

CN has also contributed several reports on news in the community with TV reporter Michael Nafso. In addition, it publishes regular episodes of its Chaldean Kitchen series, which shows off different chefs in the community and their recipes. Finally, CN is planning a documentary-style film covering the Chaldean perspective on the 1967 Detroit Riots.

CN staff toured other TV and radio studios, such as Audacy, to get ideas for the new studio. It will have to be easily adaptable and versatile for the many uses planned. When the renovations are completed for the CACC’s new headquarters, which will likely happen next year, the CN team can begin using the space to produce high-quality digital media for its audience. In addition, the station can be used by any of the organizations in the vicinity and will also serve as the recording station for the Chaldean Voice.

The Chaldean Voice, led by its director Shoki Konja, has been the Chaldean community’s premiere radio station for more than 40 years.