Learning the Election Process

The CCF’s evening citizenship Preparation Class, led by Salam Sesi, holding their new American flags.

The Chaldean Community Foundation (CCF) hosted a Voting 101 event on June 13. The learning event was in partnership with the City of Sterling Heights City Clerk’s office and Asian Pacific Islander American (APIA) Vote. Many future U.S. citizens from the CCF’s Citizenship Preparation classes attended to learn more about the election process.

The participants also experienced a mock precinct vote, which included filling out a sample ballot and putting it through a tabulator. For many participants, this was their introduction to the voting process and the beginning of a journey towards becoming future voters in city, state, and federal elections.

The Chaldean Community Foundation offers voter registration assistance through Hey U Vote, which started at the CCF in 2017 to aid individuals with voter registration. If you are interested in registering to vote, visit the Chaldean Community Foundation during business hours to start the voter registration process.