Iraqi Investment Commission: Visiting the Chaldean Community Foundation

Above photos: The meeting at the Chaldean Community Foundation included a large delegation from Iraq, community members and staff from the CCF. The delegation moved to Shenandoah Country Club for lunch and a tour of the Chaldean Cultural Center.

by Dr. Adhid Miri

The President of the Investment Commission in Iraq, Suha Al-Najjar, visited the Chaldean Community Foundation on Saturday, July 24, 2021, during her visit to the United States with the Iraqi delegation. Martin Manna, President of the Chaldean Community Foundation and the Chaldean American Chamber of Commerce, and Dr. Adhid Miri, Project Manager at the Foundation, greeted Ms. Al-Najjar and accompanying officials from the Iraqi Embassy in Washington D.C. and the Iraqi Consulate in Michigan.

The visit began with a tour of the modern building and a brief on the programs and services of the institution. Following the tour, a roundtable meeting was held that included a group of Chaldean and Iraqi businessmen. The meeting was attended by the Commercial Attaché at the Iraqi Embassy in Washington, Dr. Hussam Yaseen Mohsin, the Iraqi Consul General in Michigan, Mr. Adnan Al-Majoon, and the Assistant Consul General, Mr. Mohammed Aldamin, plus members of the Iraqi and Yazidi community.

During an introduction by Ms. Al-Najjar she mentioned that the purpose of the visit was to meet businessmen, focus on cooperation, review investment opportunities, grant licenses, formulate economic policy, and to attract the Iraqi community and American companies to Iraq.

In her presentation, Ms. Najjar stated that she works seriously and transparently and has contributed to bringing some large companies to Iraq in the fields of housing, electricity, and industry. She talked about the importance of inviting the interest of investors, workable steps, diversification of the economic base, profits of projects in the Iraqi markets, efforts to eliminate corruption, administrative complexities, and banking reforms. Ms. Najjar stressed that corruption and politics are intertwined with each other in Iraq, and we must deal with matters wisely and realistically and in accordance with the prevailing laws.

“Today, thank God, we have a strong and professional investment body that has the full support of the Prime Minister in the field of economic reforms and anti-corruption, and is considered a body that is largely independent of political influences,” stated Ms. Najjar.

“It saddens me to see the community separate from Iraq, and my presence today with you is to listen to your views and build bridges of cooperation, especially since Iraq is a large market in all fields and demands are large and profitable in all consumer development, industrial, housing and tourism sectors, and Iraq is in need of services, goods, industry and economic development.” Ms. Najjar added, “We hope to receive your investments in Iraq at the earliest opportunity.”

The attendees were able to ask questions and express opinions about the difficulties of working in Iraq. They cited the administrative routine, the security aspect, the absence of insurance on projects, the collection of payments due, and the obtaining of project licenses in a fair and competitive manner, in accordance with international controls and standards.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the visitors were treated with a visit to the Chaldean Cultural Center and dinner at Shenandoah Country Club in West Bloomfield, Michigan.

Matthew Gordon