As a 15-year-old Catholic girl who found herself “in the family way” in 1982, I didn’t have a whole lot of options. My parents enrolled me in counseling at Catholic Social Services in preparation to place my baby for adoption. It wasn’t what I wanted to do, but I was still in school and lacking resources to be independent, so I went along.
Fr. John: So many people are truly touched simply by the presence of a priest. Whether it be a joyous or sad event, just the presence of a priest makes such a difference in that person’s life. The role of a priest is to be an example of Christ, and our Chaldean Church theology teaches us that a priest is to be a mediator between God and the people. The priest should be an example, a role model, a leader – that helps people become, not more like him, but become more like God.
Michigan is such a beautiful state. We are surrounded on three sides by water – fresh, glorious water – and have the advantage of experiencing all four seasons of the year, sometimes in the same week! (You may have seen memes on social media that say, “Everyone: “You can’t have all four seasons in one week.” Michigan: “Hold my Faygo.”)