Chaldean Employment Lawyers Represent
From left, former LELS Councilmember Jennifer Lossia McManus of Fagan McManus PC, LELS Councilmember Jenna Sheena Nakkash of Sommers Schwartz PC, outgoing LELS Chair Tad T. Roumayah of Sommers Schwartz PC, and LELS Councilmember Haba K. Yono of Honigman LLP.
Chaldean employment lawyers attended the State Bar of Michigan - Labor & Employment Law Section (LELS) Mid-Winter and Annual Meeting on January 24, 2025 at the Detroit Athletic Club. The educational Mid-Winter Meeting was promptly followed by the Council’s Annual Meeting. Outgoing Chair Tad Roumayah welcomed everyone to the event and provided a state of the Section review, describing a fantastic year of Council substantive, educational and networking events. Then Tad handed the reins over to incoming Chair Mami Kato who outlined her goals for the Section for the coming year. New Council members were approved - Frank Mamet, Plunkett Cooney; Lisa Harrison, UAW; Robert Dare, Clark Hill; and John Gardiner, Bodman. Additionally, the 2025 slate of officers was approved: Chair Mami Kato, Ogletree Deakins; Vice Chair Jim Hermon, Dykema; Secretary Sarah Prescott, Salvatore Prescott; and Treasurer Haba Yono.