
The word “preparation” resonates with a myriad of meanings, spanning across various contexts and actions. In the realm of culinary arts, preparation embodies the meticulous planning and gathering of ingredients before crafting a dish, ensuring everything is in place to execute a recipe with finesse. It involves chopping, marinating, and seasoning—each step crucial to achieving culinary excellence.

Zeana Attisha is intimately acquainted with preparation. Not only in the kitchen, but in business as well. In the business world, preparation entails strategic planning, market research, and financial analysis to navigate competitive landscapes and capitalize on opportunities effectively. In the article about her restaurant Sahara, Attisha talks about meeting multiple times with investors before being approved to move forward with a new location in Detroit.

Beyond the kitchen, preparation extends into the domain of education, where it signifies the diligent study and review undertaken before an exam or presentation. Students engage in note taking, revisiting textbooks, and practicing problems to fortify their understanding and readiness for academic challenges. David Shammas exemplifies that preparation as a success story for the CCF’s scholarship program.

In a broader societal sense, preparation encompasses the proactive measures taken to anticipate and mitigate potential risks or challenges. Emergency preparedness involves training, stockpiling supplies, and conducting drills to safeguard communities from natural disasters or unforeseen crises. Unfortunately, no one was doing that for the Yazidis, who face a real threat of extinction in our lifetimes.

Personal development also hinges on preparation—be it physical training for athletes (like the Orchard Lake St. Mary’s High School boys golf team), rehearsing for a performance, or even setting aside quiet moments for introspection and self-improvement. The first ever Chaldean Convention, hosted by the Chaldean Catholic Diocese here in the U.S., gave the attendees tools to prepare not only to receive Christ in their hearts, but also to share that communion and faith with strangers and build a bigger, stronger Church.

Ultimately, preparation stands as a cornerstone of success across myriad facets of life, embodying foresight, dedication, and readiness to confront challenges head-on. As Americans, this readiness will prove indispensable in navigating political engagements and embracing grace and unity regardless of the outcomes of the upcoming presidential election.

Whether in the kitchen perfecting a recipe, in education preparing for exams, or in business strategizing for growth, the discipline of preparation instills confidence and readiness to tackle challenges with clarity and purpose. Beyond personal pursuits, societal preparedness ensures collective safety and resilience against unforeseen adversities.

As we navigate the complexities of our world, embracing the ethos of preparation equips us not only to thrive individually but also to contribute meaningfully to our communities and beyond. It underscores our ability to adapt, innovate, and forge ahead with resilience and determination, ensuring that we are always prepared for whatever the future may hold.

Sarah Kittle

Editor in Chief