A Time of Growth

Sarah Kittle

Spring, with its gentle warmth and vibrant blooms, offers more than just a visual treat. It serves as a poignant metaphor for personal growth and renewal. Much like the earth awakening from its winter slumber, we can harness the energy of spring to embark on our own journeys of self-discovery and development.

Our cover story this month focuses on six police officers of Chaldean heritage who serve in the Sterling Heights Police Department. Most of them were inspired to pursue law enforcement careers by witnessing good policing as a child. They chose to work for the Sterling Heights force because it has an excellent reputation, and Sterling Heights welcomed the recruits because the city has a large Chaldean population. These officers share an excellent example of individual career development.

I love this season when nature demonstrates the power of resilience and transformation. Trees that once stood bare now burst forth with fresh green leaves, symbolizing the shedding of old, stagnant habits and the embrace of new beginnings. Similarly, personal growth often requires shedding limiting beliefs and behaviors that no longer serve us, making room for growth and expansion.

Paul Natinsky’s article on gambling addiction includes Father John Jaddou’s private journey of growth and reflection, as he had a very personal experience with gambling as a teen. The needs and desires that drive us in our youth can create havoc in our adult lives; however, they can also inspire something greater, like Father John counseling youth about the dangers of addictive gambling or David Antone and some of his high school pals founding a charity to bring smiles to the faces of pediatric cancer patients.

Hope springs eternal. The longer days and increased sunlight of spring can also inspire us to step out of our comfort zones and explore new possibilities. Just as flowers stretch towards the sun, reaching for nourishment and light, we can strive to reach our fullest potential by seeking out opportunities for learning and self-improvement.

Dr. Tarek Sobh, president of Lawrence Technological University, sought out an opportunity to expand his school’s reach and partnered with The American University Iraq Baghdad (AUIB) to offer engineering courses. AUIB began as a dream of influential individuals in Iraq and United States involved in business, industry, and government who wanted a world-class institution of higher learning established in Baghdad, reminiscent of the days when the city was an educational and cultural mecca.

The mayor of Hamdaniya in Iraq recently visited Michigan to attend the Chaldean American Chamber’s Annual Award Dinner, featured on our Events page. He spoke with CN staff and outlined his dreams and plans for the future of his city and his country.

Spring encourages a sense of connection and community. As the natural world awakens, we are drawn outdoors to enjoy the beauty of blooming flowers and the chorus of birdsong. This reconnection with nature can foster a deeper sense of interconnectedness and remind us of our place within the larger tapestry of life.

In that spirit, the CN’s Chaldean “Cultural Night” on May 9 taught visitors to the Chaldean Community Foundation about the community, its history, and its customs. Historical music, song, and dance fed our souls, and fresh bread and cultural food fed our bellies as we embraced Chaldean culture and shared it freely with interested others. Guests had the opportunity to try on traditional Iraqi village garb and have their photo taken. It was a wonderful event, and just one stop on our journey to tell the Chaldean story.

In essence, the spring season serves as a reminder that personal growth is an ongoing journey, much like the cycles of nature. By embracing the spirit of renewal and transformation that spring brings, we can cultivate resilience, embrace new possibilities, and foster a deeper connection between ourselves and the world around us.

Sarah Kittle

Editor in Chief