Ball ’N Out
The boys’ basketball program.
Girls playing volleyball.
This year, the CCF is pleased to offer two separate programs two afternoons each week for both boys and girls.
Through generous support from the Good Sports Foundation, girls in our community are learning basic volleyball skills. The Good Sports Foundation donated over twenty-six pairs of shoes and outfits, volleyballs, and nets. Each participant in the program received a new pair of gym shoes and a complete volleyball outfit, to help the girls feel more like a team. The goal is to make a very real impact on the empowerment, self-esteem, and self-respect of teen girls through mindful movement and creative expression.
The Good Sports Foundation did not forget boys, either. Over thirty middle school boys are learning more about the game of basketball, including basic skills and teamwork. They’ve also discovered a place to make new friends! We are grateful for the additional support of the Good Sports Foundation to outfit the boys and update the basketball equipment. This year’s basketball program includes participants from last year and many boys that are new to the sport. With all the same basketball coaches having returned from last summer, parents feel comfortable, and the program has doubled in size.