One of the only guarantees in life is that we all must eat! Food is our energy source and our sustenance. But food has never been just fuel. We use food to express culture and emotions, and as a bridge to connect with one another.
Freestyle Digital Media, the digital film distribution division of Byron Allen’s Allen Media Group, has acquired the VOD rights to the acclaimed dramedy Pomegranate. The film, which explores the complex cultural dynamics between Iraqi Muslims and Chaldeans (Iraqi Christians) in suburban Michigan.

Chaldean Hockey League’s 11th Annual Charity Game
The 11th Annual CHL Charity Game event on February 22nd took place at Orchard Lake St. Mary’s Ice Arena, featuring Game One of the semi-final playoff games. The CHL raises funds for local organizations in an effort to help make a positive community impact.

Portrait of a Community
Explore photos from our cultural celebration (below) and get a sneak peak of the stories the Chaldean Community Foundation and Chaldean News have collected for the Library of Congress collection (above).
Chaldean Kitchen with May Denha
May Denha prepares Haressa — a family favorite and the perfect dish for the holidays.
New Series:
Chaldean Giving Back
w3r supports the Children's Center during the holidays.
Marian Students Honor Classmate’s Sister
Marian High School CASA members make blankets for hospitalized kids.
The Chaldean Community Foundation (CCF) is expanding to reach across Woodward and establish a presence with the Chaldean American Chamber of Commerce (CACC) on Oakland County’s west side. Formerly known as The Corners, the property at Walnut Lake and Inkster Roads next to Market Square is being transformed into the new Chaldean Community Center, housing the CACC and administrative offices for the Foundation. Chamber staff has been calling it “CCF West” for a while.
In 2023, the Chaldean American Chamber of Commerce (CACC) celebrated its 20th anniversary, marking two decades of dedicated advocacy for the Chaldean community in Michigan and worldwide. Building on this significant milestone, the CACC has expanded its efforts, placing a special focus on the plight of Iraq’s Christian communities.
A delegation led by Martin Manna visited Baghdad in mid-February for a series of meetings that began with Prime Minister Sudani and separately, the President of the Republic. The focus of these meetings and many others was to continue to push for the rights, dignity, and full integration into society of Iraq’s indigenous Christian community.
“The universal characteristic of a Chaldean woman is that she possesses strength because she is likely influenced by her mother and grandmother,” says Diane D’ Agostini, an influential Chaldean woman and first judge in the community. “These quiet leaders implement their vision and guide others. They appreciate that things did not come easy.”
In the chancel of Chaldean Catholic churches, the voices of angelic choirs echo. At church, home, or studio, for Chaldeans, singing is not simply an act of worship; it’s a bridge between generations, a link to cultural identity, and a source of spiritual connection.
Bishop Sarhad Yawsip Sarhad, who passed away on February 4 of this year at the age of 83, leaves behind a profound legacy that has touched countless lives within the Chaldean community and beyond. Mention his name to just about anyone who knew him, and they immediately light up and start telling stories about him and his great love for humanity.
In the heart of Alqosh, a town known for its deep historical roots and cultural significance, Basem Yaqo Bello was born in 1963. From humble beginnings, he rose to become a respected leader, dedicated public servant, and a man of unwavering integrity. His passing leaves behind a legacy of service, resilience, and devotion to his community.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer the stuff of science fiction. It’s here, and it’s transforming how we work, communicate, and innovate. Yet, for many, AI remains a black box: fascinating but mystifying. How does it actually work? What can it do? And, perhaps most importantly, how do we use it effectively without falling into common traps?
Arabic Translations
تواصل مؤسسة الجالية الكلدانية نشر رسالتها المجتمعية وتنفيذ خطط مشاريعها التوسعية وخدماتها وتثبيت اركان وجودها وتؤسس حضورًا مهماً مع غرفة التجارة الكلدانية الأمريكية من خلال توسعها وعبورها الجانب الغربي لشارع وودوارد وتأسيس وجود لها في مقاطعة أوكلاند.
في عام 2023، احتفلت غرفة التجارة الكلدانية الأمريكية بمناسبة الذكرى العشرين لتأسيسها، كما تزامن ذلك على مرور عقدين من جهود الدعم والمناصرة لأعضاء المجتمع الكلداني في ولاية ميشيغان وفي العراق وجميع أنحاء العالم. وبناءً على هذا الإنجاز المهم، وسّعت غرفة التجارة الكلدانية الأمريكية جهودها، مع التركيز بشكل خاص على محنة المجتمعات المسيحية في العراق. وجاءت فرصة محورية في فبراير 2025،
الموصل، والتي تعني "نقطة الوصل" باللغة العربية، تعمل كحلقة وصل حيوية بين العراق وسوريا والشام، وتُعرف المدينة تاريخيًا باسم نينوى، وقد سُميت على اسم إلهة آشورية مرتبطة بالسمك. تُعَد الموصل واحدة من أقدم مدن العالم، وكانت مفترق لطرق استراتيجية لآلاف السنين، مما سهّل حركة الشعوب والأعراق والأديان المختلفة في المنطقة، بما في ذلك بعض من أقدم المجتمعات المسيحية في العالم.
للحديث عن عراقة التاريخ وأصالة الحضارة وجمال التراث ومنابع الفكر و الثقافة و جذور اللغة وزخرفة حروفها وغير ذلك من النعوت الحسنة و الكنوز المعرفية الفذة لابد أن يكون كلامنا موجها إلى القوش التي تختصر كل الألقاب والعناوين وإن تعددت الاعتقادات والتفسيرات في أصل
One of the only guarantees in life is that we all must eat! Food is our energy source and our sustenance. But food has never been just fuel. We use food to express culture and emotions, and as a bridge to connect with one another.
Freestyle Digital Media, the digital film distribution division of Byron Allen’s Allen Media Group, has acquired the VOD rights to the acclaimed dramedy Pomegranate. The film, which explores the complex cultural dynamics between Iraqi Muslims and Chaldeans (Iraqi Christians) in suburban Michigan.
Lent is more than just a season on the Church calendar; it is a call to renewal. For Christians around the world, it is a time when we step back from the noise of daily life and hear again the voice of God inviting us to grow closer to Him. Each year, we are given this gift—the Great Fast (Soma Raba)—to pause, reflect, and walk with Christ toward His Passion and Resurrection.
Bishop Sarhad Yawsip Sarhad, who passed away on February 4 of this year at the age of 83, leaves behind a profound legacy that has touched countless lives within the Chaldean community and beyond. Mention his name to just about anyone who knew him, and they immediately light up and start telling stories about him and his great love for humanity.
Artificial intelligence (AI) is no longer the stuff of science fiction. It’s here, and it’s transforming how we work, communicate, and innovate. Yet, for many, AI remains a black box: fascinating but mystifying. How does it actually work? What can it do? And, perhaps most importantly, how do we use it effectively without falling into common traps?
business profile
Vivid Millwork is more than just a cabinetry shop—it’s a vision where form meets function, and beauty emerges from raw materials. Fareed Yousif, an Iraqi Chaldean Christian who immigrated to the U.S. as a young man, carries with him not only the memories of a war-torn homeland but also the deep-rooted faith of his ancestors.
business profile
Robert Esshaki and Christopher Thomas owned a piece of Clarkston history, but the Chaldean businessmen had a decision to make. Owners and operators of the beloved Rudy’s Market in downtown Clarkston since 1989, they faced the stark reality that small independent grocery stores were, as Esshaki said, “with a few exceptions, becoming a thing of the past as competitors like Amazon, Meijer, Kroger, etc., continue to expand and dominate the landscape.
culture & history
The Chaldean Community Foundation (CCF) is expanding to reach across Woodward and establish a presence with the Chaldean American Chamber of Commerce (CACC) on Oakland County’s west side. Formerly known as The Corners, the property at Walnut Lake and Inkster Roads next to Market Square is being transformed into the new Chaldean Community Center, housing the CACC and administrative offices for the Foundation. Chamber staff has been calling it “CCF West” for a while.
I have been practicing immigration law for over 30 years, and I am consistently puzzled by the shortcomings of our system—shortcomings that our politicians have been unable to address. First, we are an aging nation. Without new immigrants, our population will shrink and age, threatening our ability to innovate and weakening our Social Security system.
As we turn the page to March, we are reminded of the many women whose strength, resilience, and courage continue to shape our world. This month, we celebrate Women’s History Month, a time to honor the powerful women who lead, inspire, and advocate for change. In this special issue, we spotlight some of these incredible voices.
The Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit is transitioning leadership with the retirement of Archbishop Allen Vigneron after 16 years. Pope Francis appointed Bishop Edward Weisenburger, 64, to succeed Vigneron as the new archbishop, with his installation set for March 18, 2025.
Chaldean employment lawyers attended the State Bar of Michigan - Labor & Employment Law Section (LELS) Mid-Winter and Annual Meeting on January 24, 2025 at the Detroit Athletic Club. The educational Mid-Winter Meeting was promptly followed by the Council’s Annual Meeting.
Foundation Update
The CCF’s new attainable housing project, Tigris Tower, is seeking retail tenants on the first floor of the beautiful 4-story building featuring 135 multi-family units, located on the busy north Van Dyke corridor just south of Hall Road.
Earlier this year, Iraq’s Prime Minister approved the creation of a new community police force in the Nineveh Plain that will be comprised of locals living in the region.
Last month, the Chaldean Community Foundation was honored to host Tristan Azbej, State Secretary for Hungary Helps, and Dr. Balazs Martonffy, Consul General of Hungary (Chicago).
From humble beginnings in a 1,200 square foot space with a 10-member team, the Chaldean Community Foundation organization has grown to a 30,000 square ft. building with 80 dedicated team members.
Dr. Nathima Atchoo, born on December 28, 1931, in Iraq, passed away on February 5, 2025, receiving her heavenly reward. She was the loving daughter of the late Habib and Bahija Atchoo, cherished wife of the late Dr. Peter Atchoo, and devoted mother of Dr. Faris (Shahnaz) Atchoo, Fanar (Richard) Wright, Firas (Lakshmi) Atchoo, and Fawaz (Cyndie) Atchoo.
Badia Mizanah Abroo was born on August 16, 1934, and earned her great reward in Heaven on June 26, 2024. Badia was the loving wife of the late Jalal Yousif Abroo and cherished daughter to the late Hannah Mizanah and late Amelda Shamaan. She was also the devoted mother of Yasar Abroo, Yassir (Daliyeh) Abroo, Hussam (Amelia) Abroo, and Bassam (Georgia) Abroo and grandmother to Rami (Kim), Reem (Nick), Samantha (Anthony), Jenna, Stephen, Nicholas, Isabella, Joseph and Emily. She was also an adored great-grandmother to four.
Showkat Peter Mona was born on August 15, 1937, and went to Heaven on June 6, 2024. He was the loving son of the late Peter Mona and the late Najiyah Hanawi Mona and devoted husband to Evelyn Shamam Mona. He was also the cherished father of Peter (Olivia) Mona, Paul (Hilda) Mona, and Anthony (Saba) Mona and humble grandfather of Connor, Kyle, Aleena, Luke, Luciana, Lila, Leo, Avery, Eliana and Liam. He is survived by siblings Evelyn Mona-Bader, Nahidah Cholak, Aideh Deddeh, Talal Mona, and was preceded in death by sister the late Hana Potts.
Adbul Masseh Yousif Abdulahad Rabi Hammo, beloved husband of the late Amira Shaona Dawood and father of Chaldean Community Foundation employee Hanaa Yousif, passed peacefully at his daughter Wafaa’s home in Berlin, Germany on Saturday, June 1, 2024.
In Memoriam
MARCH 2025